Saturday, October 30, 2010

First Post!

So, I did it. I decided to start a blog all about my adventures way down south. I've only lived here for slightly over a year...but hey, it's never too late, right?

Although I have spent a great first year here, I am not-so-secretly hoping this blog will encourage me to do some of the things I have not quite gotten around to yet -- like, travel outside of Santiago -- and take lots of pretty pictures which I will post for your viewing pleasure.

Since I have just moved into an unfurnished apartment and have yet to install internet in said apartment, posts will be somewhat limited at the beginning. But, unlike a failed attempt at a slightly more 'intellectual' blog (which I do hope to actively update one day), I am making a commitment to post here regularly so as to not lose the aforementioned motivation things. Plus, if you are reading this, obviously you have been going through a severe lack of constant updates of the goings on of my Chilean life in the last fifteen months. But fear not -- I'm here to fill the void. :)

My posts will be in English, though I will probably insert some Spanish/chilenismos every now and again.

Look forward to upcoming posts and pictures about my fantastic new apartment, Halloween, friend and family visits, and more!

Saludos desde Chile!