Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Big 2-5

Okay, so I completely and utterly failed at updating while I was home for the holidays. And SO much has happened since then! Due to the continuing lack of internet in my apartment, I hereby pledge to get my butt to a wifi spot at least once a week so that my blog doesn't remain lonely and post-less (and so Julia doesn't sass me).

Perhaps the most major event that has happened since I last posted is that I have officially completed my first quarter century on this earth. Huzzah! To celebrate, I had my second annual birthday Tea Party "slash" Fiesta de Té here in Santiago. You might be thinking, "A tea party in January, what a fantastic idea!" and I wholeheartedly agree with you. However, there are a couple of extra challenges to having said party in Santiago de Chile as opposed to Stateside: 1) people here have no idea what a "Tea Party" is (the translation is literally "party of tea," quite a foreign concept in a place where 99.9% of parties involve some sort of alcohol); 2) here, January is summertime, making the prospect of drinking a hot beverage less appealing that it would be in, say, July.

But thankfully my lovely Chilean friends' desire to compartir with and humor me on my birthday seems to have outweighed the strangeness and gringa-ness of a summertime tea party. Plus, I did it last year, and it was a big hit!

I served a variety of tea, hot and iced, mostly Tulsi Tea from Organic India (hands down my favorite!), and finger sandwiches. I was a little under the weather, which is my excuse for the lack of a birthday cake (d'oh!) and photos, but I (and I hope my guests) had a great time. The guests were a good mix of Chilean friends and "family" that I have met over the years in various contexts (I ended up being the only gring@ in attendance). It was a nice treat to have all of them in the same space -- and for many of them it was their first time in my apartment.

All in all, a great way to officially start my 26th year.

(Another big life change has happened since I last posted, which you probably know about if you talk to me on a regular basis or have seen my facebook...details to follow in an upcoming post!)

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